Forever in my memory, forever in my heart.

Created by Claire 3 years ago
Where do I begin...from a very young age I have been friends with Freya and I have always been welcomed into Freya's family as another daughter.
She was such a loving and caring person, always wanting the absolute best for both her girls. 
Growing up I spent many days playing in the garden on the go kart round the fish pond and having tea there.. Freya loved  her cold baked beans. 
I also spent time with them on holiday.. Maybe drinking too many tequila sunrises😬
, some of my most fondest memories. 
The hours before getting ready for a night out I know were not Wendy's fondest moments, make up, dying hair, and clothes everywhere... But despite all that she always welcomed me back. 
Not forgetting the times she took me to school at  un-announced moments, as I ran down the road in Tolleshunt major looking out for her little red polo (the car not the dog) 
Wendy made a loving and warm family home and I will miss her forever but she will remain in my heart.